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About Us

E-Squared Engineering is a transportation firm that was founded in September 1998. Richard Easley, the President and founder of the firm has 35+ years experience in transportation and engineering. As a DBE firm specializing in Intelligent Transportation Systems, we offer a depth of ITS experience and expertise that comes from taking a leadership role in the industry. E-Squared has conducted work in 34 US states (including Washington, D.C.) and 24 countries worldwide. We provide outstanding consulting support in the Commercial Vehicle Operations, Advanced Transit, Intermodal Freight, Parking, Electronic Payment and Training arenas. At E-Squared Engineering, we provide our clients with seasoned and tested ITS policy, program management, and planning expertise that can only come from true ITS industry pioneers.
Richard B. Easley leads his ITS company's consulting efforts on both national and international projects. Mr. Easley also served as Chairman of the Transportation Research Board's Intermodal Freight Transport Committee and Chaired the TRB Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations Freight Subcommittee. He is the past Chair of both the International Parking Institute's Technology Committee and the IPI Intelligent Transportation Systems Parking Task Force. He also Chaired the Institute of Transportation Engineers Goods Movement Council, and is past President of ITS Maryland.
Sharon Easley is a primary reasons that E-Squared has been so successful for more than 20 years. Her attention to detail and ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking have provided our clients with innovative solutions that have proven to be more effective, less expensive, and consensus based by very diverse stakeholders. Her creative and unique solutions are being emulated company/client-wide as well as nationwide still to this day.
We are proud of our staff - they’re like family (actually, they are family) and our clients become family to us as well. You work hard for those that you care about. As the saying goes... “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” At E-Squared, our clients know - thanks in large part to having Sharon and Richard a phone call away.